Aims and Scope

Biological control is defined as the reduction or mitigation of pests and pest effects through the use of natural enemies or natural products derived from living organisms.

BioControl in Plant Protection promotes the science and technology of biological control in plant protection in its broader sense, through publication of original research articles and reviews of research and theory. The focus includes new and emerging trends in this field. Biotechnologies dealing with the elucidation and use of genes or gene products for the enhancement of biological control agents are also of interest. The journal encompasses biological control of viral, microbial, nematode, insect, mite, weed, and other invertebrate and vertebrate pests in agricultural, aquatic, forest, natural resource, stored products, and urban environments. Ecological, behavioral, molecular, and biotechnological approaches to advancing the understanding of biological control agents, mass production and formulation of biological products as biological control agents are interest and welcome.