Evaluation of the life table characteristics of three species of the genus Trichogramma on the carob moth, Ectomyelois ceratoniae under laboratory conditions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor university PN

2 Associate Prof. of Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Shahed University

3 Assistant Prof. of Biological control Department, Institute of Plant Protection of Iran

4 Assistant Prof. of Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Shahed University


The carob moth Ectomyelois ceratoniae (Lep.: Pyralidae) is the most important pest of pomegranate in Iran which annually causes considerable damages. Trichogramma wasps are one of the main factors in biological control of this pest, which can be used effectively to reduce damage. In this research, biological parameters of three species ofTrichogrammatids viz. T. brassicae, T. emryophagum and T. pintoi were evaluated on the carob moth, (E. ceratoniae) eggs under the laboratory conditions. The results showed that reproductive period, post-reproductive period and adult life span for T. brassicae reared on the carob moth were 7.8, 0.9, 8.7 days, respectively. These parameters for T. embryophagum were 8.2, 1.00, 9.2 days and for T. pintoi were 7.4, 1.1, 8.5 days, respectively. The studied species lacked pre-reproductive period. The results also showed that gross reproductive rate (GRR), intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm), mean generation time (T) and finite rate of population increase (λ) for T. brassicae reared on the carob moth were 38.021 (eggs), 0.286 (day-1), 12.659 (days), 1.330(day-1), respectively. The above calculated parameters for T. embryophagum reared on the same host were 39.247 (eggs), 0.311 (day-1), 11.659 (days), and 1.365 (day-1), and for T. pintoi they were 28.626 (eggs), 0.262 (day-1), 12.558 (days), and 1.300 (day-1), respectively, that were significantly different. It can be concluded that efficiency of T. embryophagum species compared with two other species, T. brassicae and T. pintoi on the carob moth eggs was higher. Therefore, it is recommended to use this species in integrated pest management program.

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