Study of the root colonization and reduction of leaf rust disease in the interactions among beneficial rhizobacetria, wheat cultivars and Puccinia triticina

Document Type : Research Paper



In this research, the interaction between two biocontrol strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens (PF153mcherry andCHA0gfp2)and three wheat cultivars (Boulani, Roushan, Forno) were studied to control wheat leaf rust disease (Puccinia triticina) under greenhouse conditions. Bacteria were appliedusing the seed treatment method. Results showed a reduction in disease severity on the leaves in certain combinations of bacterial strains and wheat cultivars. This was particularly evident for the interaction between CHA0gfp2 and Forno with 69.74% decrease in the number of pustules on leaves. The Bolani and Forno cultivars that were not treated by bacteria exhibited the highest infection of leaf rust. Study of bacteria–wheat-pathogen interactions showed that the interaction between PF153mcherry with infected and non-infected Forno showed the highest bacterial colonization (7801.1 and 8154.4 cfu per mg dry root, respectively). Interaction between CHA0gfp2 with infected and non-infected Roushan cultivar induced the lowest colonization on the rhizosphere by 938.2 and 887.3 cfu per mg dry root, respectively. However, interaction between pathogen and cultivars resulted in the increase of peroxidase and phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) activity in the leaves. In summary, we observed negative correlations between the bacterial colonization (cfu per mg dry root) and the number of rust pustules on the leaves. There was significant correlation between PAL activity and disease severity. Overall results of this study indicate that there is a promising beneficial interaction between the bacterial isolates and wheat cultivars which induce systemic resistance and suppress the leaf diseases in the sustainable agricultural system.




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