[Review article] Application of resistance-inducing compounds in the management of phytoplasma diseases

Document Type : Review Paper


Plant Disease Research Department, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran


Induced resistance is a type of defense system in plants that is activated by a biotic agent and allows plants to resist pathogens or parasites. Strong inducers are usually quite effective and can trigger a plant resistance reaction. These molecules, also called elicitors, can be inanimate or biotic in nature, challenging the plant and reacting to it, which must be done by producing antimicrobial compounds and / or creating mechanisms is related to plant defense. Induction of resistance in plants is strongly influenced by environmental conditions, especially light and temperature during the day and growing conditions. In general, induction of resistance in plants by using live or non-live stimuli or the use of plant cultivars incompatible with the patient, are among the strategies considered by researchers in the management of diseases and plant diseases. Induced resistance to change of grape varieties infected with phytoplasma disease has been observed on different cases. This method is one of the treatment strategies in the management of phytoplasma diseases and diseases caused by fastidious vascular bacteria.


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