Evaluation of efficacy of the botanical acaricide, Pest Out®, used to control Panonychus citri in Mazandaran province

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran.

2 Associated professor, Plant Protection Research Department, Mazandaran Agricultural and Natural Resources Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Sari, Iran.

3 Assistant Professors, Plant Protection Research Department, Mazandaran Agricultural and Natural Resources Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Sari, Iran.

4 M.Sc. Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran.



Application effective botanical pesticides are an objective to keep natural enemies of citrus red mite (CRM) safe in Caspian costal region of Iran. Eeffects of three doses (1, 3, 5 ml/l) of Pestout®a botanical pesticide, was studied against Panonychus citri infesting orange trees in west and east parts of Mazandaran province during 2019. Abamectin 0.2 ml+0.25 ml horticultural oil, 0.5ml of fenpyroximate 5% EC and hexythiazox 10% EC, 1.5% liquid washing detergent compared with water treated check against citrus red mite. A complete randomized block designed in four replications, 8 treatments, conducted on 5 and 15 years old Tampson orange variety in east and west of Mazandaran province respectively. Treatment was done when 5 active mite stages observed on upper surface of 30% collected leaves randomly. Each treatment effects determined by 50 leaves collected randomly one day before and 3, 7, 14, 21 days after spraying. Collected data was converted into impact percentage by Henderson–tilton formula and mean analysis done with SAS software. Maximum and minimum impact percentages of Pest out® doses from 3rd to 14th days after spraying were recorded 43.87±1.43%, to 89.70 ±0,77% in western and 94.47±1.03% up to 98% in eastern part of the province and declined in both places onwards. Pestout® doses caused decreasing natural mite pest enemies until 7th day and increasing them after until 21st day sampling interval. Statistical effects of all treatment in control CRM damages during three months sampling period on orange fruits weight showed insignificant between treatments (p>0.05). Effects of liquid washing detergent on CRM observed almost similar to 1ml/l and 3 ml/l effects of Pest out® in east and west part of province. Applying 1 and 3–ml doses of Pest out® at lower incidence of CRM will provide effective control in east and west part of Mazandaran province respectively.


Main Subjects

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